"The Sounds of Our Planet
Series" A new series of CDs by King Tet®
Productions dedicated to preserving and sharing natural sounds that one mind
find relaxing, intriguing, uplifting and fascinating. The listener is invited to
enjoy these recordings for background ambience, for study, for centering of
spirit or simply for amusement.
"Tom Hobson & Ragged but Right A new CD
resurrected from King Tet's archives. Live recording of Tom Hobson
and Ragged but Right performing at "The Sound Track" in San Francisco 1979.
Electric banjo by Eric Van der Wyk.
The Grandsons of the Pioneers King Tet's San Francisco band from 1980!
Listen to The Beatles' "Revolution #9 backwards in it's entirety!
This IndieRing site owned by Eric Van der Wyk.
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